Answering – “Why Can I Hear My Heartbeat in My Ear?”

Is your ”lying in bed at night” time, disturbed by thumping in your ear, make you wonder, “Why can I hear that heartbeat in my ear?” This phenomenon is quite frustrating and distracting when you want to snooze. The condition we are referring to has a medical basis, and the ringing you can hear is known as pulsatile tinnitus. Let’s dig in deeper to learn about this condition and what you can do to combat it.

What is Pulsatile Tinnitus?

When you hear a whooshing or thumping sound in your ears, it is actually your heart beating. This stabilized beat is easily heard in one or both ears, typically more profound at night.

Usually, circulation problems and turbulent blood vessels in your head or neck are the root cause of this condition. Mostly, this condition is not something to fret about unless accompanied by symptoms like headaches, lightheadedness, loss of hearing ability, vision problems, etc.

Why Can You Hear The Sound Of Heartbeat in Your Ear?

The constant drumming of your heartbeat in your ear indicates an underlying health problem. Here are some common reasons:

1. Blood Vessel Disorders and Malformations

If you have any sort of abnormalities in your blood vessels or arteries, especially near your ears, they often contribute to pulsatile tinnitus. Arteriovenous malformations disrupt blood flow through damaged vessels, leading to a thumping sound.

2. High Blood Pressure

In this condition, the force of blood pushes in increased force against your artery walls, leading to a pulsating sound in your ear.

3. Head and Neck Tumors

If you have benign glomus tumors in your head and neck, they can press against your veins, which may make your ear hear heartbeat sounds.

4. Atherosclerosis

It is a condition characterized by the buildup of plaque consisting of cholesterol, waste material, and fats in your arteries and may serve as the culprit, too. This buildup disturbs the smooth blood flow to create a constant whooshing sound.

5. Other Possible Causes

Several other factors can contribute to the sensation of hearing your heartbeat in your ear, including anemia, head trauma, conductive hearing loss, hyperthyroidism, and Paget’s disease.

Techniques for Managing Pulsatile Tinnitus Symptoms

If your doctor rules out any underlying condition for your pulsatile tinnitus, go for these self-management techniques to alleviate your symptoms.

  • Your doctor may rule out all the heart troubles and suggest sound therapy to help you suppress the sound of thumping or whooshing by pulsatile tinnitus.
  • They also suggest choosing a noise-canceling device, like a white noise machine or a wearable sound generator.
  • You can also rely on the sound of your air conditioner or fan to help you fall asleep during bedtime.

You can also choose from the following therapies for pulsatile tinnitus:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Meditation
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Tinnitus retraining therapy

Closing Notes

At Atrial Fibrillation Centers of America, we make sure to deal with all aspects of your cardio needs. You can consult us at (832) 478-5067 or give us a visit in Houston, TX.

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