
Why Does My Body Feel So Heavy?

February 15, 2024

Do you wake up with a feeling of tiredness even after taking a good night’s rest? If you often question yourself, “Why does my body feel so heavy?” Your answer is fatigue. This condition presents itself in the form of sluggish behavior and not wanting to move around or be active. Let’s take a deeper … Continue reading “Why Does My Body Feel So Heavy?”

41504 Views Learn more

Sleep Disorders with Afib

February 7, 2024

Slumbering peacefully through the night is a luxury many of us take for granted. But for the over 3 million people living with atrial fibrillation (AFib), the most common abnormal heart rhythm disorder, a good night’s sleep is hard to come by. Instead of resting soundly, individuals with AFib often endure nights interrupted by palpitations, … Continue reading “Sleep Disorders with Afib”

3859 Views Learn more

How Are Hypertension, Heart Disease, and Stroke Related?

January 30, 2024

Hypertension is a condition that is commonly referred to as high blood pressure and is characterized by increased force of blood in your arteries. This change is not normal and leads to various issues, which we are going to discuss in detail. Here’s how hypertension, heart disease, and stroke are related to one another. The … Continue reading “How Are Hypertension, Heart Disease, and Stroke Related?”

2857 Views Learn more

Atrial Fibrillation and Pregnancy

January 15, 2024

Pregnancy is a journey no less than a miracle and comes with a lot of changes in a woman’s body, and your heart is not barred from it. If you have an ongoing Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) issue, it does impact you when you get pregnant. In this blog, we have detailed some steps that you … Continue reading “Atrial Fibrillation and Pregnancy”

4090 Views Learn more

Hypertension and Atrial Fibrillation

January 5, 2024

Hypertension as a Risk Factor The rhythm of a healthy heart is controlled by electrical impulses that stimulate the heart muscle to contract and pump blood throughout the body. When the normal conduction system is disrupted, the result is an arrhythmia – an irregularity in the heart’s rhythm. One of the most prevalent arrhythmias that … Continue reading “Hypertension and Atrial Fibrillation”

2271 Views Learn more

9 Things To Not Do before A Stress Test

December 30, 2023

We all know how pressurizing tests can be on their own, but one exam has stress literally named to it. This particular stress test is designed to evaluate how well your heart works under pressure. It provides information regarding your cardiovascular health. If you or anyone close to you are due to undergo one, keep … Continue reading “9 Things To Not Do before A Stress Test”

3735 Views Learn more


December 15, 2023

The Dangers of Overexercising “No pain, no gain” is a common mantra among devoted fitness enthusiasts. However, when taken too far, the pursuit of exercise gains can transition from a health-boosting habit into a potentially dangerous obsession. New research reveals that overzealous workouts characterized by excessive duration or intensity can overwhelm the cardiovascular system and … Continue reading “HOW CAN “TOO MUCH EXERCISE” DAMAGE YOUR HEART AND YOUR BODY”

2626 Views Learn more

Pacemaker Implantation | How Long Does The Surgery Take?

If you or someone you care about is up for a pacemaker surgery, it is quite natural to have questions about the process. One of the most frequently asked questions is the timeline; “How long does the pacemaker implantation surgery actually take?” We are here with your answer. How Long Does Pacemaker Implantation Take? The … Continue reading “Pacemaker Implantation | How Long Does The Surgery Take?”

637 Views Learn more

Can I Swim Regularly With Atrial Fibrillation

December 7, 2023

While most forms of exercise are beneficial to cardiac health and protective against AFIB. It is to be noted that mild- or moderate-intensity exercise is typically observed to be protective but on the other side; intense exercise typically carries a higher risk of atrial fibrillation. It is really important to understand the relationship curve between … Continue reading “Can I Swim Regularly With Atrial Fibrillation”

3199 Views Learn more

Living with a Pacemaker | Things You Should Not Do

November 30, 2023

Living with a pacemaker is a life-altering experience. Its presence ensures your heart beats at the right rhythm all the time. However, you must know about certain restrictions that tag along with its use and take all the precautionary measures instructed by your cardiologist to maintain its optimal functionality. Let’s take a detailed look at … Continue reading “Living with a Pacemaker | Things You Should Not Do”

1761 Views Learn more

Anxious To Exercise After Your AFib Diagnosis?

November 23, 2023

Exercise After Your AFib Diagnosis? Your heart is beating out of rhythm, fluttering like a trapped bird in your chest. You’ve just been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (AFib), the most common type of heart arrhythmia. Suddenly, your usual jog through the park seems risky. Your daily laps in the pool now raise your pulse with … Continue reading “Anxious To Exercise After Your AFib Diagnosis?”

1640 Views Learn more

Is It Normal To Wear A Heart Monitor For 2 Weeks?

November 15, 2023

If you are currently dealing with or have in the past worked with heart arrhythmia, the term “Holter monitor” may not be a new term for you. In this day and age, wearing a heart monitor is a crucial tool for cardiologists. It is a useful device that helps them understand the heart condition in … Continue reading “Is It Normal To Wear A Heart Monitor For 2 Weeks?”

4055 Views Learn more

Benefits of Daily Meditation For Heart Disease

November 6, 2023

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, responsible for over 17 million fatalities per year. Undoubtedly medications are quite crucial for treating any kind of heart disease and interventions by medical people become really important, however, lifestyle changes and stress management have become equally important in not only preventing but managing … Continue reading “Benefits of Daily Meditation For Heart Disease”

2508 Views Learn more

Answering – “Why Can I Hear My Heartbeat in My Ear?”

October 30, 2023

Is your ”lying in bed at night” time, disturbed by thumping in your ear, make you wonder, “Why can I hear that heartbeat in my ear?” This phenomenon is quite frustrating and distracting when you want to snooze. The condition we are referring to has a medical basis, and the ringing you can hear is … Continue reading “Answering – “Why Can I Hear My Heartbeat in My Ear?””

1811 Views Learn more

What Are the Safe and Dangerous Heart Rate Zones for AFib?

October 25, 2023

Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is characterized by an irregular and often abnormally rapid heart rate. While a fast heart rate is common during AFib episodes, it can also lead to worrisome and even life-threatening complications. Knowing your optimal heart rate limits is crucial for managing this condition safely. Monitoring your heart rate can help alert you … Continue reading “What Are the Safe and Dangerous Heart Rate Zones for AFib?”

6832 Views Learn more

Recovery Journey Of The Elderly After Pacemaker Surgery

October 15, 2023

Senior citizens are most susceptible to cardiovascular problems; therefore, it is natural to ponder over whether pacemaker surgery is a good idea for your elderly patient, considering their increased vulnerability to health issues. Studies reveal that there is no relative risk for the elderly during or after pacemaker surgery if the aftercare is good enough. … Continue reading “Recovery Journey Of The Elderly After Pacemaker Surgery”

4337 Views Learn more

Pacemaker vs. Defibrillator – Are They Any Different?

October 12, 2023

Pacemakers and defibrillators are devices that play a crucial role in managing the rhythm of your heart. Think of them as your aid to a happy and tension-free life. Many people think that both devices are the same, and if you are also one of those, then this blog is a perfect piece of reading … Continue reading “Pacemaker vs. Defibrillator – Are They Any Different?”

1050 Views Learn more

Atrial Fibrillation in Women: This Abnormal Heart Rhythm Disorder

October 3, 2023

Atrial Fibrillation in Women Atrial fibrillation in women, also known as AFib, is the most common heart rhythm disorder, affecting over 6 million Americans. While atrial fibrillation can occur in both men and women, there are some necessary differences that should be penned down in how this condition happens and is treated in women. Prevalence … Continue reading “Atrial Fibrillation in Women: This Abnormal Heart Rhythm Disorder”

2050 Views Learn more

Foods to Avoid with AFIB – Atrial Fibrillation Diet

September 21, 2023

AFIB is a serious condition that needs to be managed very carefully and this diet plays a vital role in people who are diagnosed with such a condition.  AFIB is the short form of Atrial fibrillation which is a type of arrhythmia or we can say abnormal heartbeat. It is generally observed that the heart … Continue reading “Foods to Avoid with AFIB – Atrial Fibrillation Diet”

8913 Views Learn more

7 Restrictions While Wearing A Holter Monitor

September 15, 2023

If your heart is out of rhythm, your cardiologist might suggest a Holter monitor, a compact device that is used for the purpose of event monitoring. It works by recording your heart’s activity the entire day. You may have to wear it for 24 to 48 hours. In rare cases, though, the person has to … Continue reading “7 Restrictions While Wearing A Holter Monitor”

26973 Views Learn more

Isn’t It Weird That The Symptoms of a Heart Attack Differ in Both Men and Women?

September 11, 2023

Heart Attack Differ in Both Men and Women That’s very right and it has been observed that the symptoms of heart attack in both men and women actually differ; being more clear & of observant nature in men while in women, these symptoms often go unnoticed due to not being so prominent most times.  It … Continue reading “Isn’t It Weird That The Symptoms of a Heart Attack Differ in Both Men and Women?”

1965 Views Learn more

Atrial Fibrillation: What Are The Symptoms and Signs?

September 1, 2023

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common type of heart arrhythmia, affecting over 3 million people in the United States. This irregular and often rapid heart rate originates in the atria or upper chambers of the heart. When the atria quiver rather than contracting fully, the heart’s electrical signals become chaotic and ineffective at pumping … Continue reading “Atrial Fibrillation: What Are The Symptoms and Signs?”

1720 Views Learn more

Catheter Ablation Procedure: How Long Does it Take?

August 30, 2023

Do you suffer from heart arrhythmia? It is not fun to have irregular heartbeats. And your heart specialist will suggest treatment catered around your condition. Catheter ablation is also an invasive procedure that helps stop the electrical impulses responsible for irregular heart rhythms. So, how long does a catheter ablation take? Read this blog to … Continue reading “Catheter Ablation Procedure: How Long Does it Take?”

931 Views Learn more

Atrial Fibrillation vs. Atrial Flutter — Are They Different?

August 15, 2023

Did you know both atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter are types of arrhythmia? When the electrical signals that are responsible for making your heart chamber contract have some sort of disturbance, such as the signals occurring at a faster rate than usual, you may have atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter. While the cause might be … Continue reading “Atrial Fibrillation vs. Atrial Flutter — Are They Different?”

2136 Views Learn more

Diet & Atrial Fibrillation: Should Your Diet Change?

August 10, 2023

Atrial fibrillation, also known as AFib, is a common heart rhythm disorder that causes an irregular and often rapid heart rate. While medications and procedures like ablation can help manage AFib, many patients wonder if adjusting their diet can also help prevent episodes. Here’s what the research says so far about the impact of diet … Continue reading “Diet & Atrial Fibrillation: Should Your Diet Change?”

1878 Views Learn more

Is There a Relation Between Atrial Fibrillation & Shortness of Breath?

July 30, 2023

Do you have shortness of breath and also suffer from atrial fibrillation? These two might be related! Shortness of breath is a common symptom associated with AFib, especially when people are experiencing an episode of AFib. So, does AFib cause shortness of breath? The answer is: yes. Keep reading to learn all about it. How … Continue reading “Is There a Relation Between Atrial Fibrillation & Shortness of Breath?”

397 Views Learn more

5 Loop Recorder Pros and Cons You Should Know

July 15, 2023

When you enter the domain of modern medicine, many futuristic innovations present us with groundbreaking advancements. Among the cutting-edge technology is a small electronic device known as a loop recorder, which monitors a patient’s heart rhythm. This remarkable device helps with the diagnosis as well as treatment of abnormal heart rhythms. However, like any other … Continue reading “5 Loop Recorder Pros and Cons You Should Know”

12123 Views Learn more

Top 10 Effects of Atrial Fibrillation on Your Body

June 30, 2023

Atrial fibrillation or commonly referred to as (AFib), is an electrical disorder that affects your heart chamber, the atria. When your heart is buzzing with mismatched electrical impulses, it produces various effects on the human body, and in this blog, we have discussed the top 10 effects that it shows. The Impact of Atrial Fibrillation … Continue reading “Top 10 Effects of Atrial Fibrillation on Your Body”

8388 Views Learn more

Anxiety & Atrial Fibrillation — Are they Connected? Tips to Manage AFib Anxiety

June 15, 2023

Many individuals confuse atrial fibrillation and anxiety due to the heart palpitations both conditions present. However, there seems to be a link between anxiety and AFib. This means if you suffer from an anxiety disorder, you may develop heart conditions. So, can atrial fibrillation be caused by anxiety? Let’s discuss anxiety and AFib in detail … Continue reading “Anxiety & Atrial Fibrillation — Are they Connected? Tips to Manage AFib Anxiety”

4445 Views Learn more

Get Familiar With The 3 Types of Heart Block

May 30, 2023

When your heart is concerned, even a little discomfort should be enough to visit your healthcare specialist. We are all aware of conditions like heart attacks and strokes, but do you know what a heart block is? Sometimes, the electrical signal that manages your heartbeat experiences partial or complete blockage. This condition is termed ‘heart … Continue reading “Get Familiar With The 3 Types of Heart Block”

3422 Views Learn more

Top 5 Food & Drinks to Avoid At All Costs If You Have Heart Palpitations

May 15, 2023

Do you ever feel like your heart is racing too fast? Although a fluttering heart is usually associated with romance, that is not always the case. In fact, heart palpitations can actually indicate interruptions with the usual rhythm of your heart. Heart palpitations are usually not serious, but you still need to look out for … Continue reading “Top 5 Food & Drinks to Avoid At All Costs If You Have Heart Palpitations”

8780 Views Learn more

Understanding What an Electrocardiogram Is and How It Works

May 11, 2023

Electrocardiogram is a test which is also known as ECG or EKG and is quite simple and non-invasive in nature. It is used to assess the functioning of the heart and how well it is performing in the normal routine. It is one of the most significant tests which is used to diagnose and monitor … Continue reading “Understanding What an Electrocardiogram Is and How It Works”

2154 Views Learn more

Into the Night: What Atrial Fibrillation Symptoms Occur When You Sleep?

April 30, 2023

Do you experience atrial fibrillation symptoms at night? When AFib and sleep apnea symptoms occur during sleep, it usually results in a lethargic feeling throughout the day. Most of the time. Chest fluttering and faster heart rate are the most common AFib symptoms that are felt at night. Atrial fibrillation takes place when the atria, … Continue reading “Into the Night: What Atrial Fibrillation Symptoms Occur When You Sleep?”

2189 Views Learn more

Taking Control: How Lifestyle Changes Can Help Prevent Atrial Fibrillation

April 27, 2023

Atrial fibrillation is a serious heart condition by which millions of people are affected around the world. Symptoms like palpitations, dizziness, and fatigue are some symptoms caused due to this. There are some lifestyle changes that can be made to help prevent or reduce the symptoms of atrial fibrillation, as it cannot be cured but … Continue reading “Taking Control: How Lifestyle Changes Can Help Prevent Atrial Fibrillation”

1184 Views Learn more

3 Common Ways to Treat Atrial Fibrillation — Can it be Cured?

April 15, 2023

So you were diagnosed with atrial fibrillation — which, in simple terms, is a heart condition that involves irregular heartbeat and decreased blood flow to the lower chambers of the heart. Although your heart specialist will proceed with adequate treatment, you might still be worrisome regarding the effectiveness of their procedure. After all, AFib insinuates … Continue reading “3 Common Ways to Treat Atrial Fibrillation — Can it be Cured?”

2068 Views Learn more

What You Need to Know About Tachycardia vs. Bradycardia

March 30, 2023

Heart arrhythmia can occur in different forms. Some people experience a slowed heart rate, while others have a fast beat. Tachycardia and bradycardia are two types of heart arrhythmia that many individuals suffer from. However, it can be confusing to differentiate between the two. So, what is the difference between tachycardia and bradycardia? In simple … Continue reading “What You Need to Know About Tachycardia vs. Bradycardia”

4056 Views Learn more

Get Familiar With The 3 Types of Heart Block

March 15, 2023

When your heart is concerned, even a little discomfort should be enough to visit your healthcare specialist. We are all aware of conditions like heart attacks and strokes, but do you know what a heart block is? Sometimes, the electrical signal that manages your heartbeat experiences partial or complete blockage. This condition is termed ‘heart … Continue reading “Get Familiar With The 3 Types of Heart Block”

2487 Views Learn more

My Heart has an Irregular Heartbeat. Should I Be Worried?

February 28, 2023

Heart arrhythmias are pretty common. Some arrhythmia cases are harmless, whereas others can be life-threatening and need medical attention. You can consult a health care provider to learn if your heart skipping a beat is normal or a symptom of something serious. In this blog, we will mention how serious an irregular heartbeat is. Carry … Continue reading “My Heart has an Irregular Heartbeat. Should I Be Worried?”

2140 Views Learn more

Heart Racing After Eating, What Might be the Cause?

February 15, 2023

Do you ever feel your heart racing after eating? Also known as heart palpitations, the affected person feels their heart rate increase after eating in this situation. It could feel like your heart is skipping a beat or pounding. In some cases, you could experience your heart beating in your neck, chest, or even throat. … Continue reading “Heart Racing After Eating, What Might be the Cause?”

15783 Views Learn more

Neck Pain On Left Side – Is It a Heart Attack?

January 30, 2023

Neck pain on the left or right side is very common among people. Does that mean you have a heart condition that needs examination because that is where your heart lies? Not necessarily. Usually, neck pain is temporary and can be a result of fatigue, improper sleeping pattern, bad sleeping position, etc. You must know … Continue reading “Neck Pain On Left Side – Is It a Heart Attack?”

1884 Views Learn more

At what heart rate should you go to the hospital immediately?

January 15, 2023

It is not wise to treat heart emergencies lightly if you suffer from cardiovascular issues. Rapid heart rate or tachycardia is a serious condition that needs proper attention. But when to go to the hospital for rapid heart rate? Here’s your answer. According to doctors, if you detect that your heart rate is rapid enough … Continue reading “At what heart rate should you go to the hospital immediately?”

25931 Views Learn more

How Do I Know If I Qualify For Catheter Ablation To Treat Afib?

December 30, 2022

If you suffer from a heart rhythm problem or (atrial fibrillation – afib), you must have heard your cardiologist talk about catheter ablation for afib. This process is quite invasive but one of the best methods to treat your condition. What is Catheter Ablation For Treating Afib? Catheter ablation is an invasive process to treat … Continue reading “How Do I Know If I Qualify For Catheter Ablation To Treat Afib?”

4711 Views Learn more

Top 15 Warning Signs of Stroke

December 15, 2022

A stroke is a medical emergency that happens when the blood flow to a part of your brain gets disrupted, which leads the cells to die. Strokes can result from a blocked blood vessel or hemorrhage – bleeding in the brain. It is important to recognize the signs and symptoms of a stroke. If you … Continue reading “Top 15 Warning Signs of Stroke”

1564 Views Learn more

The relationship between heart palpitations and menopause

November 30, 2022

If you’re experiencing heart palpitations during menopause, you’re not alone. In fact, it’s one of the most common symptoms of menopause. But what exactly are heart palpitations, and how can you treat them? Heart palpitations are a feeling of increased or irregular heartbeats. They can be scary, but they’re usually harmless. Other symptoms that can … Continue reading “The relationship between heart palpitations and menopause”

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How To Deal With Hereditary Afib?

November 15, 2022

Atrial fibrillation, or Afib for short, is a common heart rhythm disorder that you might notice in many of your relatives. Does that make Afib a hereditary condition? Yes, it is a familial trait that may pass down to generations; however, you are more at risk due to the kind of lifestyle you follow and … Continue reading “How To Deal With Hereditary Afib?”

2990 Views Learn more

What’s Stress And How Can It Affect Your Heart?

November 30, 2021

You will be familiar with the common notion of relating emotions to the heart. However, as far as our knowledge of the human body goes, our mind is solely responsible for developing emotions. Although emotions originate in our minds, they profoundly affect the whole body, especially our hearts. We all are accustomed to the racing … Continue reading “What’s Stress And How Can It Affect Your Heart?”

16219 Views Learn more

What Are A Few Common AFib Triggers?

November 15, 2021

AFib is a medical term for what we know as heart skipping a beat. On a physiological level, it occurs when your heart misfires electrical impulses. Thus, if AFib is dependent on the misfiring of electrical impulses, anything that can trigger this misfire can lead to an AFib episode. Hence, it’s important to discuss these … Continue reading “What Are A Few Common AFib Triggers?”

1257 Views Learn more

How Does Your Weight Relate To AFib Risks

October 30, 2021

Your weight plays a critical role in your heart’s health. Having extra weight increases the risk of stroke, heart attack, and AFib. However, losing weight can have some pleasant effects on your heart. Therefore, let’s discuss how shedding some pounds can help your heart. In addition, we will share some weight losing tips to get … Continue reading “How Does Your Weight Relate To AFib Risks”

1690 Views Learn more

How Does Obesity Influence The Occurrence Of AFib

October 15, 2021

AFib has a rising trend among the American population. Unfortunately, AFib occurs when your heart’s chamber starts to beat out of sync. Therefore, the muscular pump doesn’t work as efficiently as we would like it to work. This fluttering heartbeat can lead to serious health issues such as a heart attack or stroke. Additionally, AFib … Continue reading “How Does Obesity Influence The Occurrence Of AFib”

1129 Views Learn more

Five Major Do’s And Don’ts Of AFib Lifestyle

September 30, 2021

Only a few diseases can cause life-long shifts to occur, and AFib is one of them. Life with AFib can be demanding to say the least, but you can still live a good life with it. After all, your lifestyle determines the quality of your life. Therefore, let’s discuss a few do’s and don’ts of … Continue reading “Five Major Do’s And Don’ts Of AFib Lifestyle”

2021 Views Learn more

How Does High Protein Intake Affect Your Heart?

August 30, 2021

We all know how beneficial proteins are for us. Protein is made of amino acids, which are the building blocks of your bones, muscles, and practically everything. Hence, with protein being so useful, why not have a diet totally rich in protein. Well, that’s exactly what’s trending right now: a high protein or keto diet … Continue reading “How Does High Protein Intake Affect Your Heart?”

2369 Views Learn more

How To Set Your Cardiac Health Goals For Managing AFib

August 15, 2021

We can’t emphasize enough the need to manage your cardiac health for a better life. Cardiac health management includes setting realistic goals for both physical exercise and your diet. Hence, let’s discuss how you can set practical and achievable aims to manage your CVD like AFib better. To start with, it’s best if you break … Continue reading “How To Set Your Cardiac Health Goals For Managing AFib”

1096 Views Learn more

How Can A Funnel Web Spider Protect Your Brain After A Stroke?

July 30, 2021

Stroke is a deadly ailment that claims many lives every year. In addition, stroke can leave many survivors with disabilities. Hence, it is a significant concern for many doctors. Moreover, the unavailability of any lifesaving drugs adds salt to the injury. However, our search for a cure leads us to some unexpected places. One such … Continue reading “How Can A Funnel Web Spider Protect Your Brain After A Stroke?”

779 Views Learn more

Four Habits That Damages Our Cardiac Health – Avoid These At All Costs

July 15, 2021

Nobody can undermine the importance of our hearts. Our body works because of our heart. Inevitably, our cardiac health has far-reaching effects felt by many of our organs. Hence, a healthy heart equates to a healthy life. However, sometimes our habits can harm our hearts. Therefore, let’s discuss a few habits that are absolutely worse … Continue reading “Four Habits That Damages Our Cardiac Health – Avoid These At All Costs”

2329 Views Learn more

AFib And Inflammation – What Does Research Say About This Relation?

June 30, 2021

AFib is a heart disease characterized by out-of-rhythm heartbeats. This uncoordinated heart rate can lead to problems that one cannot simply ignore. Often the effects of AFib can be felt in the long term as the quality of life degrades. However, at times AFib episodes can lead to fatal conditions, such as stroke. Hence, AFib … Continue reading “AFib And Inflammation – What Does Research Say About This Relation?”

1975 Views Learn more

The Bitter Truth About AFib And The Increased Risk OF Dementia

June 15, 2021

Do you know how AFib affects organs other than your heart, especially the brain? There is an evident relation that we already know about – AFib increases the risk of stroke. However, AFib’s adverse effects are not limited only to stroke:studies show that there is also an increased risk of dementia due to AFib. AFib … Continue reading “The Bitter Truth About AFib And The Increased Risk OF Dementia”

984 Views Learn more

Why SOPs Are So Important – Here Is How Covid-19 Affects The Heart.

May 30, 2021

Covid-19 can be hard on our respiratory system, with severe infection creating absolute havoc. However, there is more to this disease than meets the eyes. Doctors have studied how Covid-19 affects our hearts, and it’s terrible news for those suffering from Cardio-vascular diseases(CVD). Hence, patients with CVD are on the brink of developing a severe … Continue reading “Why SOPs Are So Important – Here Is How Covid-19 Affects The Heart.”

1440 Views Learn more

Diagnosed With AFib? Here Is How To Adapt To A Life With AFib

May 15, 2021

Being diagnosed with AFib or any other heart ailment is traumatic news for anyone and their loved ones. However, it’s essential to note that your life doesn’t end with that news. All you need to do is adopt a more healthy lifestyle, and you will cruise through like a champion. Hence, to begin with, you … Continue reading “Diagnosed With AFib? Here Is How To Adapt To A Life With AFib”

1266 Views Learn more

Why Milk And Dairy Products Might Not Be All Bad For Your Heart?

April 30, 2021

Milk and other dairy products are generally desirable for your health. However, that’s not the case with your heart. Hence, if you are affected by cardiovascular ailments, doctors might recommend a diet low in dairy foods, or you might have to opt for low-fat dairy foods. The reasoning behind such measures might be well defined … Continue reading “Why Milk And Dairy Products Might Not Be All Bad For Your Heart?”

831 Views Learn more

What Is Stroke, Its Symptoms And How AFib Increases The Stroke’s Risk.

April 15, 2021

Stroke is a life-threatening condition, and having AFib can increase the risk of stroke substantially. Therefore, it’s imperative to understand what stroke is, its symptoms, and what you can do to prevent it. What is Stroke: Our brain needs a steady supply of oxygen and nutrients to keep working. Thus, your heart puts effort into … Continue reading “What Is Stroke, Its Symptoms And How AFib Increases The Stroke’s Risk.”

2604 Views Learn more

How Can “Too Much Exercise” Damage Your Heart And Your Body

March 30, 2021

Regular exercise is excellent for your health, and don’t let anyone persuade you otherwise. However, too much exercise is a possibility as well, and it can even harm your heart and body. Consequently, increased periods of strenuous activity can quickly nullify the benefits reaped from regular exercise. Moreover, too much exercise can be detrimental if … Continue reading “How Can “Too Much Exercise” Damage Your Heart And Your Body”

1629 Views Learn more

Foods To Avoid If You Are Suffering From Atrial Fibrillation (AFib).

March 15, 2021

“You are what you eat.” The quote is especially true when you are suffering from a disease. Consequently, slight mismanagement can send your health downhill. Atrial fibrillation is such an ailment where your diet helps you cope with it and manage it better. AFib occurs due to cardiac mayhem when your atria beat out of … Continue reading “Foods To Avoid If You Are Suffering From Atrial Fibrillation (AFib).”

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All You Need To Know About Atrial Fibrillation And Its Types

February 15, 2021

Our body’s synergy keeps everything in order, keeps our body in top shape, and helps us achieve the most out of our amazing organic machine. The heart is an example from our body that works in complete synchronization for peak and optimum performance. After all, our heart is entrusted with one of the most critical … Continue reading “All You Need To Know About Atrial Fibrillation And Its Types”

1461 Views Learn more

Is AFib Different In Women?

January 30, 2021

Millions of men and women in the U.S. are suffering from atrial fibrillation. AFib is a heart condition when your heart beats slower than usual, quicker than usual, or produces irregular beats. However, as per studies, it has been reported that the AFiB and different effects on women than on men. A popular cardiologist and … Continue reading “Is AFib Different In Women?”

1135 Views Learn more

How to Stop an AFib Episode At Home?

January 15, 2021

If you experience a quivery heartbeat or flutter in your chest, these are signs of atrial fibrillation or AFib. This means that your heart is beating out of sync. It may sound a bit scary, but an AFib isn’t deadly. Sometimes, an AFib episode and come and go on its own, but sometimes you may … Continue reading “How to Stop an AFib Episode At Home?”

3267 Views Learn more

Do You Know What’s An Abnormal ECG?

December 30, 2020

It can be a concern for you and your physician if your ECG results are abnormal. And interpreting an abnormal ECG interpretation is as much an art as it is a science. What is an Abnormal ECG? Before understanding the term abnormal ECG, let’s dig into whats an ECG. Our hearts run on electrical impulses. … Continue reading “Do You Know What’s An Abnormal ECG?”

2410 Views Learn more

Can Gas Cause Chest Pain?

December 15, 2020

It is normal to pass gas around ten to twenty times a day, but at the same time, if you feel chest pain after having a meal, you should get a little worried. That is because if it was only gas, shouldn’t you feel the pain in your gut and not near your heart? Although … Continue reading “Can Gas Cause Chest Pain?”

34726 Views Learn more

Why Does Your Heart Rate Increase During Exercise?

November 30, 2020

Heart disease is known as one of the world’s most famous killer for both men and women. However, steps can help you reduce the risk of developing heart disease, and exercise is one of them. Exercise can help you stay healthy, reduce heart disease risks, and help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. How Does Exercise … Continue reading “Why Does Your Heart Rate Increase During Exercise?”

53315 Views Learn more

What is Sinus Arrhythmia?

November 15, 2020

An Overview Arrhythmia  Arrhythmia is when you have an abnormal heartbeat pattern. On the other hand, sinus arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeat pattern that is either too fast or too slow. One type of sinus arrhythmia is respiratory sinus arrhythmia, where your heartbeat has a change in pattern every time you inhale and exhale. Whenever … Continue reading “What is Sinus Arrhythmia?”

16264 Views Learn more

Chest Pain

October 30, 2020

It is important to know the difference between typical vs atypical chest pain. While typical chest pain can be harmless, atypical chest pain can be fatal. It is a priority to educate yourself so you know when to be concerned. Typical vs Atypical Chest Pain Chest pain, also called angina, is present in many ways. … Continue reading “Chest Pain”

3877 Views Learn more

Should You Get a Pacemaker for Afib?

October 15, 2020

Pacemakers are one common tool that can be very helpful for some cardiac patients. But are they the right choice for you and your AFib? The answer depends on the nature of your AFib and also on some other factors. Below, we will explain what a pacemaker does. We will also help you decide if … Continue reading “Should You Get a Pacemaker for Afib?”

2950 Views Learn more

Aspirin and AFib: Is it Safe?

September 30, 2020

Aspirin is one of the most common medications for heart patients. It is very affordable, easy to find, and helpful for many people. But is it helpful for AFib patients? The answer might surprise you. Read on to learn why AFib patients should avoid aspirin- and how you can boost heart health instead. Why Some … Continue reading “Aspirin and AFib: Is it Safe?”

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Is AFib an Emergency?

September 15, 2020

Atrial Fibrillation is common- but that doesn’t mean AFib episodes aren’t scary. Any cardiac symptom can cause patients to panic, even if they have had these symptoms in the past. But what is the difference between a stressful symptom and a life-threatening problem? Below, we will help you tell the difference so you can get … Continue reading “Is AFib an Emergency?”

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Gentle Exercises: Is Walking Good For AFib?

August 30, 2020

Staying active is important for seniors- especially seniors with AFib. However, it is also important for patients to be gentle with their hearts. Lots of patients choose to take a walk as a way to get up and move while dealing with their symptoms. But is walking good for AFib? Is a better exercise option … Continue reading “Gentle Exercises: Is Walking Good For AFib?”

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AFib and Dementia: Are These Conditions Linked?

August 15, 2020

Atrial fibrillation and dementia are both common conditions among elderly people. But are these conditions related? On the surface, these two conditions don’t seem to have much in common. However, there is a link between them. Below, we will explain the connection between AFib and dementia. What is Dementia? Dementia is not just one single … Continue reading “AFib and Dementia: Are These Conditions Linked?”

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Can I Fly With Atrial Fibrillation?

July 30, 2020

People with atrial fibrillation should still be able to live their normal, full lives. However, AFib can present a few challenges when it comes to travel. Luckily, none of these challenges are dealbreakers. They are simply new things to adjust to as you learn to live with your condition. Below, we will share some tips … Continue reading “Can I Fly With Atrial Fibrillation?”

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5 Common Symptoms of Heart Problems in Women

July 15, 2020

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for American women. However, many women don’t know the symptoms of a heart problem. The key issue? When we think of a heart attack, we usually think of symptoms men experience. We all know that men and women have different bodies. But did you know that those … Continue reading “5 Common Symptoms of Heart Problems in Women”

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AFib or Anxiety: Understanding the Difference

June 30, 2020

Chest pressure and an irregular heartbeat both tell you that something is wrong. However, these symptoms can be caused by very different things. Atrial Fibrillation commonly causes these symptoms. AFib is a serious, chronic condition that requires medical treatment. But severe anxiety or panic attacks could also be causing these symptoms. Below, we will tell … Continue reading “AFib or Anxiety: Understanding the Difference”

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Atrial Fibrillation Sleep Position Tips

May 30, 2020

AFib can affect lots of different parts of the body. But did you know it can also affect your sleep? If you are having issues getting a good night’s rest, then your heart issues might be to blame. Luckily, there are ways you can improve your sleep to wake up healthy and well-rested. Below, we … Continue reading “Atrial Fibrillation Sleep Position Tips”

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Atrial Fibrillation Treatment in Elderly Patients

May 15, 2020

AFib patients over 65 should know that they have options. There are several different approaches for atrial fibrillation treatment in elderly people. These treatments will vary based on each person. Below, we will share some common options for atrial fibrillation treatment in elderly patients. This way, each Afib patient can be prepared when meeting with … Continue reading “Atrial Fibrillation Treatment in Elderly Patients”

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AFib Patients: How to Stay Healthy at Home

April 30, 2020

If you have AFib, then you know the importance of a healthy lifestyle. With the spread of COVID-19, staying healthy at home is more important than ever before. However, being healthy at home can be easier said than done. What if you need a doctor’s opinion? Below, we will give you some lifestyle tips to … Continue reading “AFib Patients: How to Stay Healthy at Home”

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Does AFib Affect My Immune System?

April 15, 2020

A lot of Americans are concerned about their immune systems due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, people with a health condition are even more concerned about immunity. Scientists now know that people with compromised immune systems are more likely to suffer from COVID-19 complications. But are people with AFib considered immune-compromised? We’ll give you the … Continue reading “Does AFib Affect My Immune System?”

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Are Heart Patients at Risk For COVID-19?

March 30, 2020

The COVID-19 outbreak, better known as the coronavirus, has Americans on high alert. We understand that this condition can be scary. However, it’s important to know the facts so you can stay calm and prepared. While the chances of catching this disease are currently low, there are certain things AFib patients should know. Read on … Continue reading “Are Heart Patients at Risk For COVID-19?”

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Coronavirus: What AFib Patients Should Know

March 15, 2020

COVID-19, best known as coronavirus, is officially in the US. Officials have told the American people not to panic, but that can be easier said than done. If you have a pre-existing condition like AFib, then it can be especially hard to stay calm. While a global health crisis can be scary, it’s important to … Continue reading “Coronavirus: What AFib Patients Should Know”

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Traveling With Afib

June 25, 2019

Summer is a great time. Kids are out of school, weather across the country is generally warm, and there are lots of places to visit. Summer vacations are an American tradition, and this summer is no different. But, for those with afib, the thought of having an afib episode while on the road may seem … Continue reading “Traveling With Afib”

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What is a Watchman Implant Device?

June 13, 2019

To understand what the Watchman implant device is and how it works, patients need to understand a significant characteristic of afib. If you have afib, then you may already be aware that you have an increased risk of stroke. This is because irregular and erratic heart rhythms can cause blood to ‘pool’ in a small … Continue reading “What is a Watchman Implant Device?”

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Heart Rhythm in the Age of Daylight Savings Time

November 14, 2018

Introduction Surprising preliminary study results have been reported at this year’s American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2018 held Nov. 10, in Chicago. Researchers, led by Dr. Jay Chudlow, a resident at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City, examined more than 6300 medical records of hospital admissions (ages 18 to 100,) who were admitted to … Continue reading “Heart Rhythm in the Age of Daylight Savings Time”

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Atrial Fibrillation and Stress

September 20, 2018

About Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Fibrillation, It has long been believed that increased levels of stress can contribute to increasing incidents of afib episodes. While formal studies have not been performed, the National Institute of Health reports that job stress does contribute to an increase in Afib in men. Anecdotal evidence supports the assertion that stress, … Continue reading “Atrial Fibrillation and Stress”

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